Swingers Contact Etiquette

As many of you are new to the swinging scene, it has been suggested that perhaps some guidance on contact etiquette would be useful.


Make your profile interesting and tell people what you are looking for, what youlike and what you dislike. It will reduce the responses from unsuitable people.

Please respond to all messages you receive from respondents.

Most of them will have spent time plucking up courage to write to you, and time thinking of the right thing to say to get you to notice them.

It does not need to be a long reply, a short note saying something along the lines of "Thank you for your response, but you do not match what I am currently looking for, better luck next time" will at least let the respondent know they have failed. I know that I for one check my mail eagerly after I send every response, hoping that someone has written back to me.

We do not allow escort advertising. If I am made aware of people being asked for payment to meet when responding to ads, we will delete the profile.


Always be polite.

Tell the advertiser what you like about their ad.

Read the ad before replying, make sure you meet the requirements of the person advertising.

Tell them how you think you will meet their requirements.

Guys, Please remember that swinging is only for enjoyment. The girls are here for their own enjoyment as much as, or more than yours! They are under no obligation to meet with you and should only do so if they are attracted to you.

If anyone tries asking for money to meet them, please let us know and we will delete the profile.

If you enclose a picture show your face - most people like to see the person, rather than a piece of genitalia. If they like the look of you, they will then ask for another picture, a nude one if they want it. (some people do want nude pictures from the start, but they will usually say so in their ad).

Keep the language clean, match your response to the ad. Don't go straight in with a hardcore letter.

If you are turned down by an advertiser, don't keep contacting them - you are not going to make any friends by being a nuisance or abusive. Just move on to the next advertiser.

We are bound to have missed a few points, if you come up with some more, please feel free to write and tell us.