New Single Men in The Swinging Scene

Guys you have the hardest struggle of all. There are thousands of us all wanting to get involved in the swinging scene, most it must be said simply because its the easiest way to get sex without getting a mortgage, kids and an overdraft!, many due to broken marriages or relationships, but sadly there also many miss-fits; like the guys who have no social graces and are therefore unable to make friends through work or social gatherings, those who see themselves as gods gift to women, and as a result no woman wants to know them, and sadly the ones who have odour problems.

You will have to make a lot of effort to be picked by a couple or a lady. 

Things that may help you.


Don't exaggerate your looks, ability, wealth etc. If you are 30 say 30, if 50 say 50. Ladies are more interested in the real you than an age, but if they catch you lying about one thing, they will not trust you on anything else! If you are a married male or a "significant other" playing away from home, say so, pretending to be single but sneaking off to make phone calls, or having to rush off to beat a curfew is not going to fool anyone for very long.


If you respond to an ad, make sure you are what the advertiser is looking for. Don't respond to an ad asking for a 20 something green eyed, blonde male if you are 45, gray hair and brown eyes - you will just frustrate the advertiser by clogging up their mail box.


Make your email response concise, but not a one line "I want to shag you" Make sure that you fit the description of the person the advertiser is looking for, and reiterate the points where you fit the description. Don't send them a 2000 word essay outlining your every fantasy and experience to date, you can go into these details later. Remember first impressions count, be polite, open, and to the point without being blunt.


If you get lucky and are invited to meet socially turn up smart. An unshaven, guy in crumpled clothes and smelling of sweat will not get you into their bedroom - unless the girl has specified that she is looking for a bit of rough. On the other hand, don't wear a bottle of aftershave!. Dress appropriately for the venue, smart casual - clean pressed clothes- will see you through in most venues. Remember to shower, clean your teeth and brush your hair.


If you are sending a picture, or putting a picture on your ad follow a few simple rules.

  • Unless requested send a face & body shot, don't use cock shots, girls look at eyes, hands, bums, legs and hair before they look at cocks. It may be your pride and joy, but it is more likely to lose you responses than gain them for you. If they do want to see your 9" monster they will ask.
  • Use a recent picture, you can fool someone until you meet them. Just because you get them to meet you does not mean you will get any further if the picture was of someone else, or you 10 years ago.
  • Put your email address across the centre of the picture, this is to stop photo collectors, and to enable people to remember which photo goes with which email.
  • Make the picture about 1200 X 1000 pixels and a .jpg this will send through the emails quickly, and not take up all the persons hard disk space. We know 3 couples who delete any email where the picture is more than 250k.


As a single male you are more likely to get action with a couple, than you are with a single girl. Don't worry, you will find that most of the guys in couples are straight, but they love to watch their wife with another guy/guys. You just clarify before the meet that a) there is a couple by talking on the telephone and b) asking outright if the guy is straight.


There are parties running every weekend. Most are for couples only, some are for couples and guys or greedy girls and guys. It is a sad fact of life that 90% of the time you will be charged more as a single guy than the couples or girls will pay, this is down to supply and demand. Do not go to these parties looking for a one on one session with a girl, it is just not going to happen. If however you follow the rules of etiquette, you are almost guaranteed sex, as the girls who attend these parties like to have lots of men. You will find that most often it is the clubs that cater for single men rather than parties held by swingers in their homes. Before you go to a party make sure you read the etiquette section on this site. click here to see the etiquette section.

Single girls

If you see an ad from a single girl, read it carefully. If it looks to good to be true, it probably is. Lots of girls are actually guys advertising trying to collect your pictures (see info about pictures above), others may be escorts trying to get you to call them, and of course some of them are real - Profile gojojogo of is a genuine swinger and exhibitionist, if you find her adverts, she is looking for what she says in her ad. 


Don't get drunk, or try kissing the girl if you are stinking of beer. Take some breath fresh mints with you. Remember, although the girl is looking for some fun in the sack, she has many other guys to choose from. Whoever you are going to meet remember that although its scary, the other people will be as nervous as you. Don't get drugged up either. No once fancies people who are not in control of their faculties. A drink to steady the nerves is OK, bouncing off the walls and throwing up is not going to impress anyone.


If you respond to an ad and you get a turn down, don't harass the advertiser. Be graceful and accept that you may not fit the persons requirements. Sending dozens of mails asking for reasons or being abusive will not get you anywhere, and in many cases will mean that a warning goes around the community to avoid you.


Never fall in love with a swinger. Swinging is about having fun with other people. Most of these people are in happy relationships and are looking for sex, not love. Declaring your love for someone is going to complicate the issues, and put strains on everyone's relationships, you could even destroy the other persons marriage.
If you are looking for love check one of the many lonely hearts sites.

First Date

Turn Up, On time, remember - You only have one chance to make a first impression - screw up the first meeting and you are history. You will be seen a as timewaster, and couples talk. If you make a good impression they will probably meet you again, they may share you with their friends, and take you to parties. Make a bad impression and the word will go around that you are no good, your chances of swinging will drop to zero. The swinging scene does not work on the adage "Treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen".