Welcome to Swingers in Philippines

Find new Swinging friends in the Philippines.

Swingers in the Philippines is the best place to meet to new swinging friends in the Philippines. We have a database of over 5 million swingers worldwide with hundreds of thousands close to you in the Philippines.

We bring you a Free to use database of swingers. We have thousands of Swinging couples, horny single guys and hot single ladies looking for fun with other swingers just like you.

We have a listing of swinging clubs and swingers parties for Philippines swingers, but we need to know about the clubs and parties we have missed. If you attend or run a club we don't have listed please use the contact page to let us know about it.

If you have a swingers club in the Philippines that you want to advertise, or if you hold parties and want us to publicize them for you then please feel free to get in touch with us, you will find our email details on the contact us page.

To tell us what you think about the site, or to suggest new topics for the site please write us a message using the address on the contact page.

Find Out More about Swinging in Philippines

About Swingers in The Philippines

Swingers in The Philippines is the leading source of Swingers Contact Ads. in The Philippines.

We have hundreds of thousands of members in The Philippines, and over 5 million members around the world.

We work hard to try and keep fakes away from the site, but some will always get through. If you find a fake profile just send the profile name or number to the helpdesk, or hit the report profile button inside the app and we will check the profile and if we agree it is fake we will remove it.

To maintain your privacy, we have a closed internal mail system. Your incoming messages can only be read by you after you log in. You can have a notification sent to your emails if you want to know when you receive a message.

To stop people creating profiles using other peoples details, we use email verification to make sure that people are not sent messages they do not want.

A few Swinging Guides

To help you get the most out of the swinging lifestyle