Swingers Clubs in The Philippines

We have not been able to find many swingers clubs in the Philippines, if you have more details about the ones we do have listed, or if you know of a club not yet listed please drop us a line at [email protected] and tell us about it. Please remember to give us as many details as possible.

Orgy Swinger Party Philippines

Waiting for full details

Contact Details:

Cebu Swing - Swingers Parties, Cebu, Philippines

Opening Hours:

  • You need to be a member of the group to be invited


  • Cebu
  • Philippines

Contact Details:

Lifestyle Swing Club Manila - Swingers Parties, Manila, Philipines

Opening Hours:

  • Only member of the group are given event info


  • Manila
  • Philippines

Contact Details:

Manila Philippines Swinger Threesome Foursome Gangbang Orgy


  • Manila
  • Only members given full location details
